Susan G. Komen is introducing the Needs Campaign. These media assets will speak directly to our ultimate goal: ending breast cancer. We witness the urgency of this work every day, and know it needs research, care, action and community support to create a world without breast cancer. Komen believes that by joining together with strength, purpose and compassion we can help those who need it today, while tirelessly searching for tomorrow’s cures. Ending breast cancer needs all of us. |
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Susan G. Komen 3-Day
The Susan G. Komen® 3-Day is a dedicated community of fundraisers and advocates who, each year take on an incredible challenge; a three-day and up to 60-mile journey to end breast cancer. The ads supporting these events showcase, through a lens of hope and optimism, various participants and their reason for walking because every step has a story. Whether they walk 20 or all 60 miles—every step and every dollar raised matters. They do it for their sisters, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and friends. They walk because they can’t sit on the sidelines watching while breast cancer steals the lives and futures of our friends and family members. Since 2003, the 3-Day has raised more funds to save lives, support community programs, increase access to care, and make huge strides in breast cancer research, therapies, and cures. We still have miles to go. Join us and experience the power and community of the 3-Day Pink Bubble.
Go the distance! The 3-Day is the biggest thing you can do to end breast cancer.
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Susan G. Komen is introducing the Moments Campaign. These executions will inspire communities to support those impacted by breast cancer. Every 12 minutes, a woman in the U.S. dies from breast cancer — but it’s the power of a community, united by hope, that can end this disease. Using the message of hope, while showing the stark reality of the illness, the ads showcase authentic imagery that call for the support of those in need. The campaign will highlight the millions of moments that make up one’s journey— it’s these individual moments that truly tell the story of those impacted by breast cancer. Susan G. Komen is committed to help those who need it today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.
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