End Plastic Waste

Every day, more plastic flows into our environment, posing a dire threat to wildlife and contaminating our natural habitats and communities. Shockingly, plastic production has doubled in the last 20 years, with nearly 80% of all plastic ever produced ending up in a landfill or polluting our ecosystems. Harnessing the influential power of music, we are excited to introduce our latest PSA spot featuring music by the iconic band U2. Together, we aim to raise awareness about the urgent need to change how we make, use, and recycle plastic. We invite you to help us end plastic pollution by placing our newest PSA spot into your active rotation. Your support can play a pivotal role in educating, inspiring, and motivating audiences to turn the tide and build a future with no plastics in nature.

This PSA is available in English and Spanish subtitles. PSA has an end date of May 2025.

Keyword Topics(s): Plastic, Environment, Human Impact, Sustainability
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Love It or Lose It, Animation

Using stunning animation and lyrical narration, WWF’s newest PSA in our Love It or Lose It campaign takes viewers on a journey across the world’s amazing natural biomes. As each colorful scene flows into the next, viewers experience the feeling of how everything in nature is connected, the enormity of the threats facing nature, and of the power we all have inside us to prevent it from being lost. This

PSA has an end date of 1/9/2025

Keyword Topics(s): Environment, Species, Human Impact

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Under The Weather

Our world is changing faster than anyone predicted. From more frequent and extreme storms to unprecedented heatwaves, we’re feeling the impacts of a warming climate. At WWF, we believe we can fight this consequential threat and build a safer, healthier and more resilient future for people and nature. However, to achieve this future will require action by everyone. WWF’s new PSAs “Under the Weather” (:60, :30) pairs real life climate related imagery with well-known phrases to bring attention and help us understand what is happening to our world and motivate people to take action to protect nature. This PSA has an end date of 9/1/24.

Keyword Topic(s): Climate Change

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Wearing Thin

We live in an interconnected world. Every action we take impacts life around us, and increasingly those impacts put the natural world at risk.  WWF’s new PSA “Wearing Thin” (:60,:30) brings attention to what is happening to our planet and what is at stake if we lose it. We’re losing forests, wildlife, freshwater, and so much more. But we can still build a safer, healthier and more resilient future for people and nature. However, we need to take action now. It’s our choice: Love it or Lose it. This PSA has no end date. Available in English and Spanish.

Keyword Topic(s): Environment, Species, Forests, Oceans, Fresh water, Climate Change, Food Systems

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Love it or Lose it

Nature. We seek solace in its presence and find joy in its revelations, be they towering forests or songbirds outside our window. Nature gives us hope, even in the most troubling times. It also provides the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the resources we all depend on. But the future of nature is in doubt. We’re losing forests, wildlife, freshwater, and so much more. All at an unprecedented rate.

WWF’s new PSA campaign, “Love it or Lose it,” shines a light on the interconnected relationship we share with nature and what is at stake if we lose it. All of us need love to thrive, and nature is no different. Now is the time for us to stop forest loss, protect our oceans and freshwater, and secure a future for people and wildlife. Nature needs our love. Don’t let it disappear. It’s our choice. Love it or lose it. Available in English and Spanish.

Keyword Topic(s): Environment, Species, Forests, Oceans, Fresh water, Climate Change, Food Systems

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Earth Day Protect Life on Earth -2018

We have reached a moment where the actions and decisions we make will determine whether or not our children will live in a world with magnificent animals like elephants, swim in an ocean filled with iridescent corals and marine life, or stroll through a dense forest. WWF’s new PSA series is designed to make people think about the choices they make and how it will affect our planet. Playing with familiar phrases we use every day and images of nature—both thriving and under threat, the new PSA series creates playful and unexpected associations. Viewers are reminded of the importance of paying attention—not just to our words, but to our world, and the amazing natural resources we rely on.

Keyword Topic(s): Environment, Species, Forests, Oceans, Fresh water, Climate Change, Food Systems

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Rio parrot

Together, Anything Is Possible.

When it comes to addressing the complex environmental issues that impact our planet—such as deforestation, climate change, water scarcity, and illegal wildlife trade—the only way we can spark change that will really make a difference is by working together. WWF partners with government officials and local communities; consumers and business leaders; fishers and ranchers; universities and multinational institutions—all to reach conservation solutions that we couldn’t reach alone. Please support WWF’s efforts by placing our newest PSA campaign in your active rotation. Help us inspire your audiences to become advocates for protecting nature. Together, we can accomplish incredible things.

Keyword Topic(s): Environment

video icon 6
The Tipping Point for Tigers

Be The Voice

The diversity of life on Earth is not simply something to marvel over-its vital for our own health and livelihoods. However, every day decisions are being made by governments, businesses and even individuals that will affect which plants and wildlife will survive into the future. Yet there are not enough voices calling for the protection of the natural systems on which we depend.

The “Be the Voice” campaign uses a powerful tagline from WWF’s vision to empower audiences to become outspoken advocates for protecting nature, reducing human environmental impact, and creating a more sustainable future.  WWF’s “Be the Voice” public service campaign is asking you to speak out for those vulnerable, beautiful, and life-sustaining things on Earth that we hope to protect.

Keyword Topic(s):   Environment, Forests, Species

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End Plastic Waste
"End Plastic Waste" "End Plastic Waste"(Spanish)
Broadcast :60 mov, HD, (ZPLWWWF6760H) Broadcast :60 mov Spanish, (ZPLWWWF6960)
Broadcast :30 mov, HD, (ZPLWWWF6830H) Broadcast :30 mov Spanish, (ZPLWWWF7030)
Broadcast :60 mov, (ZPLWWWF6760) Broadcast :60 mov, HD Spanish, (ZPLWWWF6960H)
Broadcast :30 mov, (ZPLWWWF6830) Broadcast :30 mov, HD Spanish, (ZPLWWWF7030H)

Love It Or Lose It, Animation
"Love It Or Lose It, Animation"
Broadcast :60 mov, HD, (ZPLWWF58030H)
Broadcast :60 mov, (ZPLWWF58030)

Under The Weather
"Under The Weather" :60 "Under The Weather" :30
Broadcast :60 mov, HD, (ZPLWWF50660H) Broadcast :30 mov, HD, (ZPLWWF50730H)
Broadcast :60 mov, (ZPLWWF50660) Broadcast :30 mov, (ZPLWWF50730)

Wearing Thin
"Wearing Thin" :60 "Wearing Thin" :30
Broadcast :60 mov, HD, (ZPLWWF70760H) Broadcast :30 mov, HD, (ZPLWWF70830H)
Broadcast :60 mov, (ZPLWWF70760)
Broadcast :30 mov, (ZPLWWF70830)
"Wearning Thin" (Spanish) "Wearning Thin" (Spanish)
Broadcast :60 mov, HD Spanish, (ZPLWWF71260H) Broadcast :30 mov, HD Spanish, (ZPLWWF71330H)
Broadcast :60 mov Spanish, (ZPLWWF71260) Broadcast :30 mov Spanish, (ZPLWWF71330)

Love it or Lose it
"Cycle" "Cycle" :60 (Spanish)
Broadcast :60 mov, HD (ZPLWWF00160H) Broadcast :60 mov, HD Spanish (ZPLWWF00260H)
Broadcast :60 mov (ZPLWWF00160)
Broadcast :60 mov Spanish (ZPLWWF00260)

Protect Life on Earth - 2018
"Protect Life On Our Planet" "Protect Our Forests"
Broadcast :30 mov, HD (ZPLW15760H)
Broadcast :30 mov, HD (ZPLW25830H)
"Protect the Arctic's Future" "Save Our Water"
Broadcast :30 mov, HD (ZPLW25730H)
Broadcast :30 mov, HD (ZPLW25930H)

Together, Anything Is Possible
"Together Possible"
Broadcast :60 mov, HD (ZPLWWWF0460H)
Broadcast :90 mov, HD (ZPLWWWF0790H)
Broadcast :30 mov, HD (ZPLWWWFF0530H)
Broadcast :60 mov (ZPLWWWF0460)
Broadcast :90 mov (ZPLWWWF0790)
Broadcast :30 mov (ZPLWWWFF0530)

Please note: These campaigns are for use in the United States. For international ad placement please contact us here.

End Plastic Waste
"Adult" "Child" "Spanish"
Radio :60 mp3 Radio :60 mp3 Radio :60 mp3
Radio :30 mp3 Radio :30 mp3 Radio :30 mp3

Love it or Lose it
"Forests" "Freshwater" "Oceans"
Radio :60 mp3 (ZPLWWF00760) Radio :60 mp3 (ZPLWWF00560) Radio :60 mp3 (ZPLWWF00660)
Protect Life on Earth –2018
"Ocean Favorite Memory" "Favorite Memory" "Mi recuerdo favorito" (Spanish)
Radio :60 mp3 Radio :60 mp3 Radio :60 mp3
Radio :30 mp3 Radio :30 mp3 Radio :30 mp3

Be The Voice
"Earth" "Forest" "Tiger"
Radio :15 mp3 Radio :15 mp3 Radio :15 mp3

Please note: These campaigns are for use in the United States. For international ad placement please contact us here.

End Plastic Waste
Click on image thumbnail to see larger preview
"End Plastic Waste"
8.125" x 10.875"

Love it or Lose it - NEW
Click on image thumbnail to see larger preview.
9.25" x 11.125" (full page)
9.25" x 11.125" (full page)
9.25" x 11.125" (full page)
9.25" x 11.125" (full page)
9.25" x 11.125" (full page)
6.25" x 5.75" (1/3 Square)   6.25" x 5.75" (1/3 Square) 6.25" x 5.75" (1/3 Square) 6.25" x 5.75" (1/3 Square)
9.25" x 5.75" (1/2 horizontal)   9.25" x 5.75" (1/2 horizontal) 9.25" x 5.75" (1/2 horizontal) 9.25" x 5.75" (1/2 horizontal)
    4.75" x 11.125" (1/2 Vertical) 4.75" x 11.125" (1/2 Vertical) 4.75" x 11.125" (1/2 Vertical)

Love it or Lose it
Click on image thumbnail to see larger preview.
"Monarch" "Monarch" (Spanish) "Bee" "Monarch"
(Full Page) (Full Page) (Full Page) (Full Page)
(2/3 Vertical) (2/3 Vertical) (2/3 Vertical) (2/3 Vertical)
(1/3 Square)
(1/3 Square) (1/3 Square) (1/3 Square)
(1/2 Horiz) (1/2 Horiz)    
"Forest" "Climate""Elephant" "Elephant" (Spanish)
7" x 10" (Full Page) 7" x 10" (Full Page)
7" x 10" (Full Page)
7" x 10" (Full Page)
"Freshwater" "Ocean" "Tiger"  
7" x 10" (Full Page)
7" x 10" (Full Page)
7" x 10" (Full Page)

Please note: These campaigns are for use in the United States. For international ad placement please contact us here.

End Plastic Waste
Click on image thumbnail to see larger preview.
"End Plastic Waste"
Transit Shelter
30 Sheet Billboard

Love it or Lose it - NEW
Click on image thumbnail to see larger preview.
"Bee" "Monarch" "Bison" "Jaguar" "Plains""Rhino""Turtle"
Transit Shelter
Transit Shelter
Transit Shelter
Transit Shelter
Transit Shelter
Transit Shelter
Transit Shelter
        30 Sheet 30 Sheet 30 Sheet

Love it or Lose it
Click on image thumbnail to see larger preview.
"Bee"- New "Elephant"- New "Forest"- New
30 Sheet Billboard
30 Sheet Billboard
30 Sheet Billboard
"Tiger" - New    
30 Sheet Billboard
"Forest" "Elephant" "Freshwater"
30 Sheet Billboard
30 Sheet Billboard 30 Sheet Billboard
Transit Shelter Transit Shelter (69x48)
Transit Shelter (69x48)
"Ocean" "Tiger" "Ice"
30 Sheet Billboard 30 Sheet Billboard 30 Sheet Billboard
Transit Shelter (69x48)    
"Monarch" "Monarch" (Spanish)  
30 Sheet Billboard
30 Sheet Billboard
Transit Shelter Transit Shelter  


Please note: These campaigns are for use in the United States. For international ad placement please contact us here.